Is monsoon gloom affecting your relationship? Here’s what you can do

Is monsoon gloom affecting your relationship? Here’s what you can do

2 months ago | 43 Views

Monsoon season can be difficult for us. Continuous rain, days without sunlight and dark skies can have a significant impact on our minds, thoughts and our mental state. The sense of gloom in the air can accelerate feelings of anxiety, depression and stress. 

In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Dr. Rashi Agarwal, psychiatrist, mental health expert, educator, and content creator, said, “Staying indoors, frequent cut of electricity, rising humidity, and the feeling of uneasiness and suffocation affect mood further leads to irritability and having difficulty in focusing on the task at hand. Many people have reported of having migraines during this time with increased frequency as well as congestion of sinuses, tension type headache, leading further to irritability hardness in the head and the body and enable to carry out day-to-day activities with ease.”

How can monsoon gloom impact our daily activities?

“Low mood, inability to focus, feeling of congestion and overall uneasiness leads to difficulty in having a good romantic time after work, which means that people want to stay alone, not interact much. Dehydration, allergies, frequent migraines, and irritability lead to difficulty in having clear communication between the partners. Reduced daytime, reduced outdoor adventures also leads to either quarrel or disagreement,” added Dr. Rashi Agarwal.

What can we do to make things better?

The monsoon reduces our exposure to sunlight and Vitamin D. Vitamin D helps in the formation of Serotonin – the feel-good hormone. It is advised that in between monsoons, whenever the sun comes up, we should try to get some outdoor time to make ourselves feel better. Getting sunlight on our skin can help us feel fresh and happy. Lifestyle, diet and exercise also have significant impact on our mood. During the monsoon season, we should try to maintain a healthy lifestyle to make ourselves feel happy and healthy.

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