Get to know...MC Stan

Get to know...MC Stan

2 months ago | 32 Views

Currently I am: Working on my biggest project so far, my upcoming album.

High point in life: Buying a house in Mumbai.

Low point in life: Causing my mother to cry.

On my speed dial: Ammi, my elder brother, my manager and my homie.

MC Stan loves Pune’s JJ Gardens vada pao. (ADOBE STOCK)

Today I’m craving: Pune’s JJ Gardens vada pao.

Next big splurge: A sports car.

The last thing the rapper ordered online was a Dyson air purifier.

Last thing I ordered online: Dyson air purifier.

App I check before bed: Notes and Instagram.

Advice I’d give my 18-year-old self: Never let someone distract you from being you. And let your past remind you, not define you.

A secret skill I have: I can read people’s faces and energies.

A superpower I wish I had: To go invisible whenever needed.

My favourite Sunday memory while growing up: Mehfils with my P-town homies in our Pune neighbourhood.

My most star-struck moment so far: Meeting Salman Khan for the first time.

My favourite bad habit : I speak the truth, unfiltered, regardless of how people take it.

If I could travel back or forward in time, I’d…: Travel forward and analyse what happens down the line with me, and explore what sounds are gonna work in the future.

I won’t leave the house without…: My phones, sunglasses, Goyard bags, Chanel perfume and my jewellery; basically my whole wardrobe!

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