Get to know...Dikshu Kukreja

Get to know...Dikshu Kukreja

27 days ago | 20 Views

Currently I am: An architect, and Honorary Consul General of Albania

On my playlist: Cherish, by Kool & the Gang; Last Christmas by Wham!; Black or White by Michael Jackson.

One thing I would never buy: Cookie cutter solutions.

The urban designer loves dark chocolate. (ADOBE STOCK)

Today I’m craving: Dark chocolate.

Last thing I ordered online: Tickets to the Hamilton show on Broadway in NYC.

App I check before going to bed: Instagram.

Advice I’d give my 18-year-old self: Soak in and cherish every moment of life.

My favourite subject in school: Mathematics.

My secret skill is: That if you tell me how old you are, I can instantaneously tell you how many seconds you have lived.

A magic tool I wish I had: To beam myself from one place to another in a second like they do on Star Trek.

My favourite Sunday memory: Lunch outings with my daughters.

Kukreja recently bought tickets to the Hamilton show on Broadway in NYC.

My most star-struck moment: Pulled from the audience to speak to Madonna on the David Letterman show in NYC.

My favourite bad habit: Interrupting my wife’s conversations.

If I could travel back or forward in time, I’d…: Go back and do everything again exactly the same. I’ve enjoyed my life. Why not do it again?

The best thing about fame: It really does make you feel special.

The worst thing about fame: It can cause heartburn in other people.

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