Get to know... Karsh Kale

Get to know... Karsh Kale

26 days ago | 17 Views

Currently I am: At the Seagram’s Longitude 77 launch event.

High point in life: Writing and recording a song with Sting in 2007.

Low point in life: I’m a musician. Low points come with the job.

On my playlist: The Court, by Peter Gabriel; Weightless, by Marconi Union; State Of Being by Currency Audio.

One thing I would never buy: Stock in weapons-manufacturing companies.

Today I’m craving: Butter chicken.

Last thing I ordered online: South Indian veg thali.

App I check before bed: I just check the time.

I’d swipe right on: A free Palestine.

My secret skill: I make amazing scrambled eggs.

A superpower I wish I had: Peace of mind.

My most star-struck moment: Meeting Obama, Peter Gabriel, Sting, Zakir Bhai and Pandit Ravi Shankar.

My favourite bad habit: Telling Dad jokes to my daughter, Milan.

If I could travel back or forward in time, I’d…: Still be in the moment.

The best thing about fame: Hearing stories of how my music has touched people’s lives.

The worst thing about fame: Red carpets.

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