Friendship Day 2024: Workout ideas to try out with your BFF to be healthy together

Friendship Day 2024: Workout ideas to try out with your BFF to be healthy together

7 months ago | 188 Views

Friendship Day 2024: Friendship Day is almost here, and we cannot keep calm. This year, the special day will be observed on August 4 in India. Since the festival falls on a Sunday, it gives us a perfect chance to celebrate. It is important to incorporate a healthy routine with our best friends so that we can all grow old together, healthily and happily. We should be fit, and motivate our BFFs to be the same. Morning or evening workout plans with our bestie are the perfect way to be healthy together. Also, the inside jokes, the laughter and the gossip during the water breaks in between workouts make up for the perfect exercise plan.

Morning walks together:

Morning walk with best friend.

Sometimes, waking up early and going for a morning walk can be difficult when we want to do it alone. But imagine having a best friend who drags you out of bed and ensures that you have the perfect start to the day with walks around nature, light conversations and a low-impact workout.

Going to the gym together:

Going to the gym with best friend.

A best friend makes for a perfect gym partner. They help us through the difficult workout routines, motivate us to push ourselves more and help us to reach our body goals faster.

Doing yoga together:

Doing yoga with best friend.

Yoga is a slow and healthy routine. The perfect way to start the day is by calling your best friend, going to the terrace or a nearby quiet park with yoga mats and performing the sun salutation. Imagine doing breathing exercises, yoga routines and meditation with your bestie and becoming stronger and wiser.

Cycling together:

Cycling with best friend.

Cycling is a low-impact workout routine which helps in strengthening the lower abdomen. Cycling every day has immense health benefits. Another upside of cycling with your best friend is that you get to explore great places together.


Pilates with best friend.

Imagine having your best friend - who motivates, scolds, and inspires you to keep pushing harder - beside you while you are sweating away in your Pilates class. So, don't forget to book that session with them.

Friends are our chosen family and the people who soon become the ones we cannot imagine our lives without. They are our loudest cheerleaders, our unpaid therapists, our partners in crime, and the ones with whom we have the best memories. Friendship Day is the perfect day to shower a lot of love and affection on best friends and let them know how much they mean to us by doing something meaningful with them. And working out is one such way.

Read Also: Friendship Day 2024: When is Friendship Day celebrated in India? Date, history, significance, how to celebrate and more
