Friendship Day 2024: Ideas to celebrate the special day with your best mate

Friendship Day 2024: Ideas to celebrate the special day with your best mate

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Friendship Day 2024: Friends are the family that we choose. We start as strangers and soon by the bond created over food, laughter, gossip, and memories, we become inseparable. The invisible thread of love and affection holds friends together and they soon become the ones we cannot live our lives without. Friends are the ones we have the most mischievous memories with, they are our partners in crime, they are our shoulders to cry on, and they are the ones who scream the loudest and cheer us up when we win. We cannot imagine our lives without our best buddies, and they make sure that we never have to live without them.

Friendship Day is meant to celebrate the bond that we share with them – the ones who make our lives easier, our laughters louder and our sorrows dull. This year, Friendship Day will be observed on August 4. As it falls on a Sunday, we have a perfect day to plan special activities with our best mates.

Road trip:

Can you beat a Friendship Day plan which includes your best friends packed inside a car, with the top down, snaking through a serpentine road, the wind blowing through your face, and with your favourite playlist in high volume? Well, this makes up for the perfect way to cherish the time that we have with our best friends.

Scurrying through old photographs:

Hold your best friends close when they are near but hold them tighter when they are physically far. Often due to studies, work or life plans, our best friends stay miles apart from us, and we do not get to spend the days with them like we used to. But this Friendship Day, we have got you covered. Fix a Zoom call date with your bestie and scurry through old photographs of the times spent together. Spend the day reminiscing about the moments you shared together.

Painting class:

Want to embrace you and your best friend’s creative side? We have the best plan set. Join a painting class together. Get creative with colours, sketches and doodles. Have a fun day out laughing over each other’s art, getting mesmerised over colours and ending up having a lot of paint on your hands.


When was the last time you packed lunch and a mat and took off to the park with your best friend. This Friendship Day, relive the college memories. Ditch a day at home and instead, lazy around the park and have lunch together while talking about everything under the sun.

Coffee date:

Take your best mate out on a coffee date and spoil them. Give them gifts, write them letters and send them cards. Go all out to let them know how much they mean to you.

Read Also: Friendship Day 2024: Tips to reconnect with the friends you lost along the way
