Friendship Day 2024: 5 beautiful and inspiring friendships from Indian mythology

Friendship Day 2024: 5 beautiful and inspiring friendships from Indian mythology

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Friendship Day 2024: Friends are meant to be celebrated every day. In Indian mythology, there have been stories of friendship bonds that went beyond limits to ensure that the other person is happy and safe. From Lord Krishna and Sudama, Lord Rama and Sugriva to Karna and Duryodhana, these friendships are beautiful and inspiring.

Lord Krishna and Sudama:

One of the most celebrated friendships of Indian mythology – Lord Krishna and Sudama’s love and affection for each other transcended boundaries of caste, creed and social status. These childhood friends were very different in their social statuses. Sudama was a poor Brahmin while Lord Krishna was a king. However, this never hindered their friendship.

Lord Rama and Sugriva:

Lord Rama and Sugriva met through Lord Hanuman. They met and developed a friendship in a distressing time – when Ravan abducted Goddess Sita. Sugriva promised to help him find Goddess Sita. In return, Lord Rama helped Sugriva reclaim his kingdom from his brother Vali.

Karna and Duryodhana:

History criticises Duryodhana for befriending Karna for his own gains. However, when Hastinapur was replete with caste discrimination, Duryodhana made Karna the king of Anga.

Lord Krishna and Arjun:

Lord Krishna mentored Arjun during Kurukshetra war.

Lord Krishna mentored Arjun through the battle of Kurukshetra. His ideas and wisdom on life and death shared with Arjun on the battlefield became the strong narrative of the Bhagavad Gita.

Lord Krishna and Draupadi:

According to Hindu mythology, once Lord Krishna got a cut on his finger – seeing it, Draupadi tore a piece of cloth from her saree and helped him. Touched by her gesture, Lord Krishna vowed to protect her. He kept his promise by protecting her dignity when Draupadi was disrobed at the royal court.

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