Eid ul Adha 2024 family activities: Fun ways to bond and celebrate the auspicious day

Eid ul Adha 2024 family activities: Fun ways to bond and celebrate the auspicious day

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Eid ul Adha 2024: One of the most auspicious times of the year is here. Every year, Eid ul Adha is observed with a lot of pomp and grandeur all over the world. Usually observed by the Muslim community across the world, Eid ul Adha i referred to as the Feast of sacrifice. In India, Eid ul Adha is also known as Bakrid. Eid ul Adha is observed with sacrifice, devotion and prayers. People start their day with the morning prayers and indulge in family time with their loved ones. In many countries, animal sacrifice is a norm on this auspicious day. Charity is also done, and clothes and food are offered to the poor and the needy. This year, Eid ul Adha will be observed in India on June 17. In Saudi Arabia, Eid ul Adha will be observed a day earlier. As we gear up to observe the special day, here are a few fun ideas to bond and celebrate with family.

Fun ideas to celebrate Eid ul Adha with family and loved ones:

Attending Eid prayers: The best way to imbibe spirituality and gratitude in our children is by taking them for the Eid prayers. Eid ul Adha is observed by thanking Allah and seeking his blessings for ourselves, and our near and dear ones.

Cookie decoration: Eid ul Adha is also about Eid-special dishes and platters that are enjoyed with loved ones. Cookie decoration is a great idea for having an Eid-themed party at home. We can decorate cookies with the theme of Eid and bond with our family members.

Treasure hunt: Gifting presents to each other on Eid is one of the highlights of the festival. We can make it extra fun by arranging a treasure hunt with gifts and presents hidden in many parts of the house, with clues and hints all over.

Doing charity: It is important to practice charity on this auspicious day to give back to society. We can perform charity together with our family members and seek their blessings.

DIY decorations: We can plan and make DIY decorations with the theme of Eid and deck up our houses before the Eid party.

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