Did you know orgasms can give migraine relief too? Unknown benefits of the Big O!

Did you know orgasms can give migraine relief too? Unknown benefits of the Big O!

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Physical intimacy is a significant part of any healthy relationship. Having sex helps in connecting physically and emotionally with the partner, thereby strengthening the connections and tightening the relationship for the long haul. It also creates the space for further understanding and communication and brings two people closer to each other. Orgasm is the peak of sexual arousal, and it has a lot of physical as well as mental benefits. Having sex can literally cure headaches and put us in a better mood. Know the surprising benefits of orgasm here.

Boosts mood:

Having an orgasm helps in the release of dopamine – the feel-good hormone – which helps us to feel happy and fresh. Serotonin, vasopressin and oxytocin are also released during sex and orgasm which can regulate the levels of cortisol – the stress hormone – in the body.

Improves sleep:

Orgasm helps in boosting mood and regulating the stress levels in the body. This further helps in falling asleep better. People who partnered sex with orgasm before bedtime reported better sleep quality. It also helps in improving sleep latency.

Strengthens pelvic floor:

Pelvic floor strength is important for managing urinary and fecal incontinence and improving sexual functions. Having sex and orgasms can help in strengthening the pelvic floor – especially for the ones who have recently given birth.

Boosts heart health:

For recovering heart patients, having sex and orgasms on a regular basis can help in preventing death by heart diseases. Sexual activity can have a lasting positive impact on heart health.

Relieves pain:

During an orgasm, large amounts of endorphins are released – this hormone helps in altering the way the brain perceives pain. Be it migraines or cluster headaches, people reported pain relief with sexual activity while having an attack. Orgasms also help in reducing stress levels in the body – this further adds to pain relief. Having sex in the middle of a headache or a migraine attack can reduce the pain sensations and make a person feel better.

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