Christmas 2024: Discover Unique Traditions and Celebrations from Around the Globe
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Christmas 2024: The joyous season has arrived. Each year, Christmas is celebrated with great splendor and enthusiasm across the globe. The holiday season is approaching, and anticipation fills the air. Christmas embodies the spirit of togetherness, the joy of giving, and the opportunity to conclude the year on a positive note while welcoming the new one. Various traditions around the world herald the commencement of the festivities. As we prepare to embrace Christmas this year, let us explore some distinctive customs and celebrations observed globally.
Hanging calendars in Germany:

The term Advent signifies "coming." In the 19th century, the practice of counting down to Christmas began four Sundays prior to the holiday, gaining popularity. Gerhard Lang later commercialized this concept, enhancing it with festive elements. In recent years, the addition of chocolates and the display of large advent calendars from buildings have become widespread in Germany.
Noche de las Velitas in Colombia:

On December 7, Colombians honor Mary, the mother of Jesus, and the Feast of the Immaculate Conception through Noche de las Velitas, or the Night of the Little Candles. Homes and streets are illuminated with millions of white and colored candles, marking the beginning of the holiday season in Colombia.
La Quema del Diablo in Guatemala:

La Quema del Diablo, or the "Burning of the Devil," is a tradition in Guatemala where it is believed that burning an effigy of the devil on December 7 purifies homes and lives, making way for positive changes.
Dancing around the Christmas tree in Denmark:

In Denmark, a delightful tradition involves families holding hands and dancing around the Christmas tree. They sing and laugh together before unwrapping their Christmas presents.
Visiting the cemetery in Finland:

On Christmas Eve, Finnish families visit cemeteries to light candles on the graves of their departed loved ones and ancestors. Another cherished tradition in Finland is the Christmas sauna, where family members enjoy a sauna together on Christmas Eve afternoon.
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