5 ways to help your new dog settle into their home

5 ways to help your new dog settle into their home

21 days ago | 21 Views

Adopting a dog is a deeply rewarding and emotional experience. By giving a deserving animal a new, wonderful life, you've earned the right to feel proud and excited about your new best friend. It's tempting to immediately introduce your new pup to all your friends and family, but as a new pet parent, it's important to consider what's best for your dog. Taking it easy during the first week is a great way to help them settle into their new surroundings and get to know you better. Whether you've adopted a puppy or an older dog, helping them feel comfortable and secure in their new home should be a top priority. 

5 Ways to Help Your New Dog Settle

Renee Rhoades, Dog Behaviorist, shared in her recent Instagram post some top tips to help your new pet settle in a changed environment.

1. Give the space

There can be much change in a short period of time for newly adopted dogs. Set them up somewhere that is quiet and where they can get much-needed rest.

2. Avoid too many visitors

The first thing we want to do is tell everyone about the new arrival. Tell everyone, but keep the "showing off" to a minimum. Your dog needs time to rest after all the stress.

3. Avoid doing too many things

Of course, you are excited about your new family member, and you want to start showing them the world. Wait 72 hours before starting to expose them to more than their home turf.

4. Don't worry about training

During the first few weeks of your new arrival, don't put pressure on them by trying to teach them things. Their mind is already so full learning about their new life and routines.

5. Nurture secure attachment

Your new addition's whole world has suddenly been flipped upside down. They need a safe, calm person that they can start to trust and form a bond with. Be there to comfort them.

Each relationship is different, so even if you have raised puppies, adopted before or had dogs all your life, getting a professional on board early on can help even out any kinks. It just makes the process so much smoother!

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