5 signs that you are damaging your relationship: Here's what to do instead, explains Relationship Coach

5 signs that you are damaging your relationship: Here's what to do instead, explains Relationship Coach

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Often our behavioural patterns and our actions can harm a relationship. This can be done unintentionally as well. The way we think and behave in a relationship, the way we understand each other and the way we communicate and express our emotions have a great impact on the health of the relationship. "So many people can’t quite figure out why they have doubts or what to do about them. Can they change their partner? Can they change themselves? Can they learn to settle? It’s a difficult time full of overthinking, worrying and sleepless nights," wrote Relationship Coach Marlena Tillhon.

5 ways we are damaging our relationship

Different relationship visions: We often end up with a partner who has a completely different vision about relationships than us. In such cases, initially things may be fine, but eventually, it may end up in conflicts and separation. It is important to have difficult conversations in the initial phase of the relationship to know if you are compatible with each other.

Blurred boundaries: When we get into a new relationship, we may still stay in touch with our ex. These blurred boundaries can affect the new relationship and make us suffer. It is important to choose the new relationship all the while being strict about the boundaries that we set with our past lovers.

No special status: A relationship should be kept private, but not a secret. When we start to keep a partner secret, they stop thinking that we value them. This can affect them emotionally. We should learn to prioritise our partner and the relationship.

Personal insecurities: Instead of expecting our partner to walk around our personal insecurities and end up creating a space where they are always walking on eggshells, we should learn to be more emotionally aware of ourselves and address our insecurities.

Sweating the small stuff: Not all small stuff needs to be addressed and complained about. We can always choose our battles and not end up whining about everything that our partner does wrong. When we do that, we create a space of negativity in the relationship.

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