Road trip in an electric car in mind? Check out these top tips

Road trip in an electric car in mind? Check out these top tips

20 days ago | 19 Views

1 Plan route keeping EV charging stations in mind

One of the key factors that can ensure your road trip in an electric car is choosing a route that has adequate EV charging stations. Remember that, unlike the ICE vehicles that can be frequently refuelled at any fuel station, the EV chargers are not that easily available. Hence, plan your route well advance the journey and select a route that has sufficient charging stations that you can use in need. Also, keep in mind that, unlike ICE vehicle refuelling, EV charging takes a longer time. Hence, it is advised to plan the resting spots as per the availability and location of EV charging stations.

2 Choose hotels with EV charging points

With the growing number of electric vehicle population many hotels and restaurants across India have started installing EV charging points at their premises. While some offer free EV charging facilities, some charges a certain cost for that service. It is best to select the hotels that offer EV charging. While being parked for the night, the battery gets replenished and in morning you are good to go with a fully charged EV. This helps in optimum use of the time for the vehicle owner.

3 Stop unnecessary use of battery charge

Many electric cars come equipped with a separate 12-volt battery, typically associated with ICE vehicles for some of the electrical requirements of the vehicle. However, many electric cars operate solely from electricity provided by high-voltage battery packs. Hence, it is always recommended to use the power judiciously. Unnecessary use of appliances using the EV's battery charge can be challenging at times, especially if you are taking your vehicle to an area where the battery consumption is higher and there are not many EV chargers available. Conserving the battery by keeping the AC or heater off, switching them to eco-mode, and avoiding hard acceleration are some of the key tips one should follow while driving an electric car for a road trip.

4 Plan your road trip in ideal weather

Electric vehicles run on the battery charge, which is thermally sensitive. Electric vehicle battery packs lose power quickly in cold weather. While in extreme heat as well, batteries may drain out faster. Hence, it is recommended to plan the trip based on weather. Warm-weather road trips are the way to go when driving an electric car.

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