JLR’s ‘Rudy’ robot ensures car doors don’t freeze up this Christmas
3 months ago | 5 Views
A JLR employee will be tirelessly engaged throughout the Christmas season—specifically, a robot named ‘Rudy’ that performs extensive door usage assessments prior to vehicle approval.
Rudy the Robot serves as JLR’s reliable automated assistant, functioning in temperatures as low as minus 40 degrees to verify the resilience of JLR vehicle doors.
Stationed at the company’s Gaydon facility, Rudy is programmed to open and close a test vehicle door 84,000 times over a span of 12 weeks in frigid conditions, effectively mimicking a lifetime of usage. Consequently, during the Christmas period alone, Rudy will operate a Range Rover door more than 14,000 times.
According to JLR, a complete 12-week testing cycle is comparable to a human engaging in weightlifting at the gym three times a week for over 17 years—albeit gym enthusiasts do not typically exercise in temperatures resembling those of the North Pole. Additionally, Rudy is capable of functioning in high temperatures similar to those found in the arid regions of Death Valley, California.
Thomas Mueller, JLR's executive director of product engineering, stated: “Ensuring quality throughout the entire client ownership experience is paramount at JLR. Rudy exemplifies one of our essential robots that is part of our comprehensive vehicle component testing program, which is committed to assessing vehicle parts under the most extreme conditions over a simulated lifetime of use.
“This process guarantees their durability and meets the quality standards expected from a modern luxury brand."
JLR’s Gaydon facility features various simulation environments that enable the brand to evaluate real-world conditions in a centralized location. It even includes a tarmacked test track equipped with speed bumps and manhole covers to assist testers in replicating actual road challenges.
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