How much does a litre of petrol cost in world's most expensive cities for expats

How much does a litre of petrol cost in world's most expensive cities for expats

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Living in a foreign city often comes with a large set of unique experiences, providing opportunities to assimilate with a culture that may be different from what is found at home. But a new home in a new city outside of home country can also come with its own set of challenges and is often an expensive affair. Commuting in itself can be a pricey daily activity, more so if using personal modes of travel.

As per the latest Mercer’s Cost of Living City rankings for international workers, Hong Kong, Singapore and Zurich are the most expensive cities in the world for international workers. New York, Los Angeles and London are also significantly more expensive than most other cities. Conversely, Pakistan's Islamabad and Karachi, as well as Nigerian capital of Abuja and Cuba's Havana are among the cheapest for foreign workers.

But how much can one expect to pay for travel is using personal mobility options. Here is how much a litre of petrol costs in each of these cities:

Hong Kong petrol price:

Hong Kong is regularly counted as one of the most expensive cities to live anywhere in the world. Little surprise then that Hong Kong also makes it to the very top of most expensive cities in the world for expats. And owning a personal vehicle can be a costly affair with a litre of petrol priced at HK$24 (approximately 257).

Singapore petrol price:

Singapore is a very expensive city to own and drive a car in. While it may have a robust public transportation network, anyone who owns a bike or car here has to shell out big bucks on fuel. A litre of petrol in Singapore costs 2.87 Singapore dollars (approximately 177).

Zurich petrol price:

File photo used for representational purpose.
File photo used for representational purpose.

Who doesn't want to drive through the scenic Swiss alps? But not everyone can. After all, a litre of petrol in the Swiss capital costs 1.86 CHF (approximately 173).

New York/Los Angeles petrol price:

Fuel prices in the United States vary from company to company and is relatively more affordable than in many parts of the world. A litre of petrol in New York, for instance, is at $1 (approximately 83.50).

London petrol price:

Across the Atlantic, the Britishers need to pay quite a hefty price for each litre of fuel. A litre of petrol here costs around 1.45 pounds (approximately 153).

Islamabad/Karachi petrol price:

Inflation in Pakistan is quite high and fuel prices are often a hot topic of debate in political circles of the country. Recent months have seen many revisions - both hikes and cuts - in prices of petrol and diesel. At present, a litre of petrol here costs PKR 265 (approximately 80).

Abuja petrol price:

Automotive fuel prices in Nigeria are one of the cheapest anywhere in the world. At 670 Nigerian Niara or approximately 36.50, a litre of petrol here doesn't exactly burn a hole in the pocket. Interestingly, Nigeria is one of Africa's largest producers of oil but relies on the import route for refined petroleum for domestic consumption.

Havana petrol price:

Prices of fuel in Cuba has increased exponentially in recent months. By some estimates, prices of petrol have gone up by five times in just the first few months of 2024. At present, a litre of petrol here costs an astounding 156 Cuban Pesos (approximately 560). This is an increase from around 25 Pesos ( 86) in December of 2023. The price hike was announced by the cash-strapped government in order to cut its deficit budget.

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